
We provide the curious with information on planting natives, advocating for critters, developing pesticide free landscapes, and identifying invasive aliens. An equally essential part of our mission is to assist Mid-Atlantic region gardeners in locating native plant nurseries and plant sales. Gardeners have a choice when purchasing landscaping plants… we shout Choose Natives!

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When I began my gardening journey, I planted what every other homeowner found at their local garden center. I’d vaguely heard about native plants but didn’t understand why I should choose them. It was only after hearing entomologist Dr. Doug Tallamy speak that I learned I was doing it all wrong! I wasn’t supporting a single living thing with the introduced ornamental plants I was installing. Coddling lots of lawn didn’t help, either...


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Sales & Events


Maryland Native Plant Society: Ask a Bumble Bee!


Ask A Bumble Bee! Exploring Bumble Bee Floral Preference with Jenan El-Hifnawi. This session explores the “Ask A Bumble Bee” (AABB) program; a citizen science initiative dedicated to understanding bumble bee floral preference. In addition to learning how to participate in the program, attendees will hear some of our latest research findings; ultimately walking away with practical information for creating and observing bee-friendly gardens! No fee.


Native Nurseries

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ChooseNatives.org lists nurseries that sell only native plants.

Why?  Because we want to help you, constant steward, to find an ecologically conscientious nursery. We also feel it's important to support the organizations that aren't profiting from invasive plants such as English ivy, Bradford Pear or butterfly bush. Let's give the local "green" growers our business. Are you thinking about purchasing cultivars? Did you know...

Native Plant

NATIVE PLANT RESOURCES: There is so much to learn about native plants—especially the reasons why we should grow them. The following organizations are listed to both inform and inspire. Feel free to browse the General... Browse

Invasive Plant

INVASIVE PLANT RESOURCES: Removing invasive plants is equally as important as planting locally native ones. Invasives pop up endlessly in yards and can easily spread from one property to another, or worse, find their way... Browse