Precious pink wiggly nose, slender silken ears, a fuzzy snowball of a tail — all wrapped up in a cuddly but voracious plant-chomping package. Ahhh, our Eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) are undeniably adorable but they can be destructive in gardens, continually reducing a plant of its foliage until it (the plant) runs out of energy and expires.
There aren’t any cottontails foraging in our garden currently — perhaps because we have a fox, a few hawks and a high number of domestic dogs and free-roaming cats in our neighborhood. Rabbits are certainly fair game to all sorts of predators. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries writes, “Cottontails have been referred to as the “protein pill” of the animal kingdom. They are perhaps the most heavily preyed upon game species in Virginia. In most years, 80% or more of adult cottontails are killed.”
I have seen the damage a few marauding cottontails can do so at the request of a client, who reluctantly surrendered his garden to the bunnies, I did some hopping around on the web and found that there’s very little information out there on native plants that rabbits find unpalatable. Our deer receive all the attention.
I then turned to the people who I could count on to garden with native plants: the Virginia Master Naturalists, Arlington Regional Chapter (or ARMN, my alma mater). “What non-woody plants do your bunnies ignore?” I asked. Their comments and observations were crossed referenced with the information I found online and the following documentwas generated. A checkmark indicates if the rabbit-rejecting plant info was found through the web, ARMN, or both.
Here are a few examples of beautiful Virginia natives that are on the “Rabbit Proof” list. They could also be native to your state’s region:
I understand that nothing is truly “rabbit proof;” if Peter Rabbit is hungry enough, he’ll consume just about anything. So allow the list of rabbit-resistant natives to be your guide for adding new plants to your garden — but also consider offering up some wildflowers, tall grassy areas or veggies for your bunnies to enjoy. Provide them with plants that you’re less vested in. Wildlife can’t go grocery shopping like we can. And even cranky ol’ Mr. McGregor can’t argue with that.
Thank you to the following resources: Penn State Extension: Rabbit Resistance Garden and Landscape Plants and Native Plants Wildlife Gardens: Bunny Bustin’ Natives. Note: as of June 2018, neither article is available online.